
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion question - Assignment Example cision-making, problem-solving, planning, long-term memory and meta-cognition† (Feinstein 187), functions connected to language, thinking and motor skills. On the other hand, myelination is the process in which neurons are wrapped in white, fatty matter while pruning is the â€Å"elimination of synaptic overproduction,† both of which are important in thinking development (Feinstein 188). Some researches support the hypothesis that negative influences like environmental deprivation and lack of early movement experiences in childhood can impact on brain development. Environmental deprivation includes poor language environment. Vocabulary growth is influenced by a child’s exposure to word quantity and quality when the language areas of the brain start to become active. On the other hand, the advances made by a child in his motor skills are shown to affect brain development as voluntary movements cause glucose production and more blood flow to the brain. Both will â€Å"in all likelihood† increase neural connections. Their deprivation therefore will imply a missed opportunity for the child to develop the best possible language skills and motor abilities. To prevent this, parents must ensure an enriched early childhood experience through interesting social-emotional, physical-sensory-motor and language cognition as well as exposure to â€Å"repetitive task s, attention-focused activities, and meaningful tasks.† Moreover, children should be taught both large muscle and small muscle movements in order for them to accomplish correct form and technique in motor skills (Feinstein 187-193). Jean Paget, one of the chief researchers in child plays, believed that children begin their make-believe plays at the age of two, increasing every year until age six and starts to wane thereafter. Earliest make-believe plays are usually done solitarily without the necessary material, are half-done, inanimate objects being made animate, and pretend activities of certain persons. When the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why society needs laws Essay Example for Free

Why society needs laws Essay There are many reasons that the society needs laws. Some people don’t understand the meaning of laws. Well guess what you don’t. Why do people waste time to write laws? People should be able to tell between right and wrong. It also depends on what kind of a parson you are. A good law would not be good if it wasn’t clear enough to the people or it was impossible to follow. And also which would not have any thing, which would go against. A bad law would be that people would not understand it and which would be really hard to follow. Other way of seeing if the law is good or bad is to see what the consequences are. Some are severely bad or the consequences are really good. People, which come from other societies, have to respect their laws that are in the society. Laws are put in the society to keep it stable and not have chaos around the world. People need to respect the cultural gaffs of that society. Cultural gaffs are that if you nod your head horizontally that means yes and when you nod your nod your head vertically it means no. In this matter people’s opinion does not matter they have to take care of where they are. In some cultures people would let go of your mistakes but that parson has to realize no to do it again. To make a country a better place is to have laws so people can be better than whom they are now. When society is solving any problem, they have to first set up priority. First the society is not supposed to put emotions in that problem. Meaning that if it’s your brother you will let him go. Emotions make things allot difficult for some laws to be implied to the society. Good laws are no made by emotion instead there made on what’s right. Without laws society would have allot of chaos. People would not have something to make them stable. That’s why A good law would not be good if it wasn’t clear enough to the people or it was impossible to follow. And In this matter people’s opinion does not matter they have to take care of where they are. If you want a good law for the society you need to overcome your emotions and let faith decide what’s going to happen. Works Cited What makes a bad law. 15 September 2011. 28 october 2013 http://pleasecutthecrap.typepad.com/main/2013/05/the-most-effective-politics-lacks-emotion.html .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

James Dickey Essay -- Literature Religion Papers

James Dickey Ah! The world- view to which an individual adheres is all- important. Who am I? Many people strictly conform to a set pattern of beliefs that limit or curtail their expression or personal growth. Many times their beliefs reflect the ideas of a community, a church, or a family. The individual blends in with the group and becomes a co-dependent function of that group. James Dickey conformed to no one. He stands apart due to his ability to intensely reveal the images burning vividly in his mind. One image of Dickey that consistently flames brightly is the persona of the "loner". Dickey fulfills this loner image through his complex worldview that allows him to predatorily satisfy his innate needs through various means. His paradoxical nature allows him to connect to art and people, but the reality of his connections does not preclude him from being defined as a loner. This complex illustration of the Dickey loner acts itself out in Dickey’s life and his art. His life and art diverge and converge throughout. The complex nature of Dickey needs to be explored within peramaters in order to reduce the margin of error that pertains to Dickey as a loner. Blanket statements on Dickey’s life are difficult to prove, because of his ever -changing form. However, this paradoxical person remains somewhat the same as he changes in his loner form. Dickey uses his worldview to fuel his very existence. His art centers on transcendental exploration of the innermost parts of his mind. His characters act out the complexity of his thoughts and the possibilities that exist within his artistic exploration. Dickey’s ability that intensely, dramatically, and descriptively reveals his thoughts define the uniqueness that sets him apart... ...ks Cited Baughman, Ronald. "James Dickey’s War Poetry: A 'Saved, Shaken Life.'" In Kirschten 118-27. Dickey, Christopher. Summer of Deliverance: A Memoir of Father and Son. New York: Simon, 1998. Dickey, James. The Whole Motion: Collected Poems 1945-1992. Hanover, N.H.: UP of New England, 1992. ---. ed. James and Barbara Reiss. Self-Interviews. Baton Rouge: Louisiana SUP, 1984. ---. Deliverance. 1970. New York: Delta, 1994. ---. To the White Sea. 1993. New York: Delta, 1994. Jones, Malcolm, Jr. "When a Predator Is the Prey." In Kirschten 60-61. Kirschten, Robert. ed. " Struggling for Wings": The Art of James Dickey. South Carolina P, 1997. Lieberman, Laurence. " Erotic Pantheism in James Dickey’s ‘ Madness.’ " In Kirschten . 205. Strange. William. "To Dream, to Remember: James Dickey’s Buckdancer’s Choice. " . In Kirschten 17.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discuss the Future of Human Geography with Reference to the Approaches That Have Emerged Since the 1950s

Discuss the future of human geography with reference to the approaches that have emerged since the 1950s. Geography found its roots during periods of exploration when man's knowledge of the world was still subject to the imagination. For many decades, Europe and the British Empire in particular formed much of what cartography is today, and environmental determinism was widely used to serve imperialist needs. Many ideas and theories were highly influenced and composed by upper class academics and soon critiques were formed. During the mid 1930s, environmental determinism lost much of its support and regional geography fell into to favour.Soon however, regional geography was also criticised due to its limiting scope and constricting laws. This resulted in post war geography entering a dark period with a dwindling future due the feeling of the subject’s uselessness. Geography progressed well since the founding of the AAG and each well-known definition had its success. These defin itions tended to aim to displace one another turn by turn and each definition spoke something true of geography but soon from the vantage point of the future we also saw the failures in them (W. Pattinson, 1964).Each definition had its own shortcomings and that was a result of professional specialization of certain fields yet still contributing to geography as a whole. But during the late 1950s to early 1960s the quantitative revolution shifted the paradigm of spatial geography. Many saw that geography was losing support and it certainly was in universities, Harvard abolished the subject in 1948. Geography and the disciplines related to the subject needed to turn to physical and engineering sciences for the vitality it lacked (A. Strahler). Therefore the subject entered a far more scientific era and soon gained greater credibility as a result.Essentially this revolution led to a change from idiographic geography to law-making geography. Two of the leading geographers in the revoluti on were Richard Hartsthorne and Fred Schaefer. Hartsthorne’s manifesto for the discipline depicted the discipline as a coherent academic subject that used formulae to map landforms as well as to describe areas. However, Hartshtorne was heavily criticised for being overly descriptive and unnecessary. Schaefer argued that there was a need for the subject to be treated as a proper science, in particular he said there was a need for scientific analysis and not â€Å"mere description†.He wanted generalisations to be bought back into geography such as systematic analysis. Soon other definitions were being discredited during this paradigm shift such as military geopolitics (F. Ratzel) because geography had become more scientific. A few definitions were created to try and distinguish what geography was and where it was. Richard Hartsthorne’s publication in 1939 spurred geography on to be far more scientific and law based. Hartsthorne defined 3 variables; humans, landsca pe and industry which became apart of his overcomplicated formulas that described regions and features.His findings were still heavily influenced by spatial geography causing them to be restricted by laws that allowed no room for human geographers to present their views. In a sense, you could take this as a positive, in that Hartsthorne was trying to unify geography under one banner but as we have seen over time, this is against the nature of the discipline. This numerical approach sparked other geographers to think of a more descriptive angle that asked more, why things happen. William D. Pattinson’s journal titled the â€Å"Four Traditions of Geography† classifies geography into 4 distinctly logical areas.Originally written in 1964 and then revisited in 1990, Pattinson tries to distinguish geography into to 4 areas, 3 of which are applied to human geography and the 4th is mainly physical yet still linked to the aforementioned 3. The 4 traditions as defined by Pattins on are Spatial, Area Studies, Earth science and man-land and although they are 4 diverse and distinctive they still fall under the same heading of geography. Pattinson hoped â€Å"that through a widened willingness to conceive of and discuss the field in terms of these traditions, geography will be better able to secure the inner unity and outer intelligibility† (W.Pattinson, 1964). This approach to geography aimed to quell the discourse that was prevalent within geography and tried to pave a clearer way for geographies future. On the other hand, thinking in such a law-based manner, restricts dynamic thinking, which is where human geography draws its strengths. I felt that Pattinson still asked more how than why but he certainly helped promote the growth of geography. Subsequently, â€Å"The Big Questions† was an article written to try and stimulate thoughts of for the future as well as trying to gain the attention of the media and the public eye. Susan L.Cutter, Regin ald Golledge and William L. Graff wanted to create a dialogue for the future whilst tackling questions that already plagued the discipline of geography. As for the future of geography, this article ask some thought provoking questions such as â€Å"when does geography start and finish? † (S. L. Cutter, R. Golledge, W. L. Graff, 2002) and â€Å"what are likely to be the major problems of doing the geography of other planets? † (S. L. Cutter, R. Golledge, W. L. Graff, 2002) If we are to answer or even begin to answer these questions, we must draw upon the past and in particular what has transgressed over the 60 years.Over these years of the evolution of geography naturally resulted in a greater divide between physical and human geography. As a result of different approaches to geography emerging from the 50s, physical geography had grounded its roots in the universities of the UK and human geography was also doing well with a similar level of success. Towards the end of the 20th century, physical geography had had a number of successes and was frequently having science group’s works published in the pages of Nature or Science (N. Thrift, 2002).Human geography was also finding success in its own right. Human geographers were having their works published in numerous credited journals. However the problem that was arising was that geography needed to branch itself out, away from its own circulating community. So in order to evolve and adapt to its every changing environment, geography took a technological leap forward. After the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, new interest emerged in geographic information systems (GIS) to help with the response to hazardous events (S. L. Cutter, R. Golledge, W. L.Graff, 2002). As a result of this, large public interest began to become prevalent in geography, maybe not necessarily as an academic subject but as an overall discipline. An example of this can be seen in online phenomenon surrounding the H aiti earthquake of 2010. Within days of the hazard occurring, the people of Haiti created a real time map via Openstreetmap thus allowing the emergency services to act quickly to effect areas. This is an impressive display of how geography is being used to engage the mass audience as well as being an effective tool in saving lives.Geographic information systems are now playing a vital role in hazard response and in devising hazard maps. Nigel Thrift thoroughly supports the idea that in order for geography to flourish it needs to move away from traditional mapping techniques and into the realm of the media, social networking and politics. This means widening geographies scope and broadening its audience. Thrifts example of this involves aligning professional geography and pedagogical geography. He talks of the combination of technology and geography to enhance the learning of school children and therefore give geography a greater impact in the educational system.The geographers Ian C ook and Peter Jackson and the anthropologist Danny Miller are in the process of trying to get commodity chains introduced into schools (N. Thrift 2002). These commodity chains allow students to gain an appreciation of where they products they buy, come from. I feel that projects like this one are important for the future of geography, as education is key in producing the next generation of geographers. This concern is dominant in Ron Johnston’s â€Å"Reflections on Nigel Thrift’s optimism: political strategies to implement his vision†.Johnston reflects on what Thrift has written and flags up the concerns of geographies future in oppose to Thrift’s optimistic ideas of the future. He opens his article by stating â€Å"The future of an academic discipline† after which he goes on to devise three factors that underpin a subject’s survival. What I derived from Johnston’s review of Thrift was that for geography to thrive, it needs to be cons tantly vigilante in its up keep with other academic disciplines as well as public interest. If we look to the past we can see this is true, numerous definitions were devised and adapted to keep up with the changing times.Overall, I feel the future of geography needs to define and ground itself, as a discipline whilst at the same time being dynamic in its approach to the future. Concerns have been raised as to the sustainability of the subject in an academic sense but if we look to the past we can see that geography has always adapted and moved on. But if we move away from the sustainability of the subject, I think that technology is the way forward, especially in grasping the attention of the mass media as well as its audience. It has shown in recent times it can be very effective in hazard response as well as everyday life.Representation of data has never been easier with new software constantly being developed to make this task easier. To ensure the vitality of their discipline, g eographers are going to need to take a more political approach if they want sustained funding and interest. Word Count – 1568 References Cutter S. L, Golledge R. , Graff W. L, (2002) ‘The Big Questions in Geogarphy’, The Professional Geographer, 54:3, 305-317 Hartshorne R 1939 The Character of Regional Geography in Agnew J, Livingstone DN and Rogers A (eds) 1996 Human Geography: an Essential Anthology Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 388-397 Johnston, R. 2002) ‘Reflections on Nigel Thrift’s optimism: political strategies to implement his vision’ Geoforum 33 421-425 Ratzel, F. (1894) ‘Volkerkunde’ vol. 2 Schaefer F K 1953 Exceptionalism in geography: a methodological examination Annals of the Association of American Geographers 43: 226-249. Strahler. A, (1952) ‘Dynamic basis of geomorphology’,The ‘Quantitative Revolution’, GG3012(NS) Lecture 4, University of Aberdeen, 2011, webpage: http://homepages. abdn. ac. uk/n. spedding/pages/gg3012/qrev. html Thrift, N. ,(2002) ‘The future of geography’. Geoforum 33, 291–298. Pattinson, W. (1964) ‘The Four Traditions’, Journal of Geography pp. 202 – 206

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biological influences on gender Essay

First 40 days after conception, embryos develop in the same way and have female and male anatomy If ovum is fertilised by a sperm carrying another X chromosome, the gonads develop into ovaries. The male elements of anatomy disintegrate; the female ones thicken and grow into a womb. The external anatomy develops into female genitalia. If the ovum is fertilised by a sperm carrying a Y chromosome, the gonads cells convert into testes. The male internal organs develop and the female organs disintegrate. External male genitalia develop. All human embryos would develop into females unless they are masculinised by the Y chromosome. Hormones: After the sex chromosomes, the hormones provide the main biological influences on sexual differentiation. Males and females produce androgens The male hormone is testosterone The female hormones are oestrogen and progesterone Hormone levels can be taken as a measure of masculinisation and feminisation Under/over exposure to hormones during the critical period (6 to 8 weeks) can affect later gender related behaviour; boys exposed to too little testosterone may become less masculine and girls exposed to large amounts of testosterone may be more masculine. Hormones from the gonads influence the development of genitalia, the brain and gender behaviour. By week 8 of gestation, the gonads are producing hormones. It is hard to establish hormonal influences on behaviour because there are other influences that affect our behaviour such as the nature, nurture debate Brain differences: Clear differences can be found in the brain function of adult men and women, particularly the function and anatomy of the hypothalamus, these difference however are not found in children under 6 years old Green (1995) states that testosterone may affect other brain structures such as those which influence aggressive behaviour, no direct evidence has been found The degree of lateralisation in male and female brains is another difference. The left hemisphere controls speech and language while the right hemisphere controls spatial skills with information being passed between hemispheres through the corpus coliseum. Shaywitz & Shaywitx (1995) used MRI scans to examine the brain whilst men and women carried out language tasks. Found that women used both hemispheres o the brain whereas men used the left hemisphere studies that support, with evaluation points There are four sources of evidence to assess the link between biology and gender behaviour; animal studies, case study research, correlating hormone levels and gender behaviour. animal studies: young (1966) studied rats, a species where male and females show very different sexual behaviours males mount from behind and females adopt the â€Å"lordosis† position (back arched, head low) gave doses of male hormones to female rats and vice versa during critical period found that they showed reverse behaviours, males adopted the â€Å"lordosis† position and females attempted to mount from behind supports the idea that hormones are responsible for deciding male/female mating behaviour Animal studies evaluation points: – The issue of the use of animals in research, is it ethical? unethical to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ it is ethically wrong to inflict such pointless suffering upon any living creature. Either animals are so dissimilar to us that we cannot logically apply the results of animal tests to humans, or they are so similar that it is unethical to test upon them – cannot apply to humans and make generalisation because he anatomy of a rat is very different to the anatomy of a human. Cannot assume that humans would show the same results. There is no way to really know because it would be extremely unethical to manipulate hormones into humans during the critical period. we have to use case studies, like the young study, and wait for them to occur naturally +supports biological approach, shows that hormones are responsible for gender behaviour +it is a lab experiment, which means that there is lots of control and variables can be controlled, it also means that it is very reliable as it is a scientific experiment†¦.. + which lead on to the fact that the experiment is replicable, not a lot is needed to carry out the experiment, just rats an hormones then all that you need to do s observe the rats Case study research:Money & Erhardt (1972) 1 sister was exposed to male hormones in utero compare to sister who was not mother was asked to comment on games played, toys used and clothing choices exposed girl = boyish girls, higher IQ and career aspirations follow up in 1974 showed only one difference in girls is that the exposed girl was more physically active Money and Erhardt evaluation points:: – Many of the questions asked were leading questions â€Å" which of your daughters is the most tomboyish?†, the researchers may have used these to get a particular type of answer – follow up study in 1974 found only one difference, that the exposed girls were more physically active + Natural experiment†¦, ethical, high ecological validity + supports biological approach, although there is not strong evidence there still is evidence to show that there is a link between biology and gender behaviour – because the mother was told that her child is going to be more interested in boyish activities, she could have unintentionally encouraged more boyish behaviours onto her daughter Hines (1984) 3- 8 year old boys and girls with congenital adrenal hypersia (CAH) examined the amount of rough and tumble play compared them to an unaffected control group found minor difference between CAH girls and control group girls CAH girls preferred playing with boys in 2004, compared 25 men and women who had CAH with their unaffected relatives both groups asked to think back and recall childhood gender role behaviour women with CAH recalled more â€Å"boy related behaviours† boys with CAH were no different to their unaffected male relatives Hines evaluation points: + natural experiment, nothing was forced + used a control group, shows comparison+used both males and females, no gender bias +ethical†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. because it is natural experiment -lacks population validity, does not say how many ppts in 1994 study and only 25 ppts in 2004 study -ignores environmental factors influencing behaviours, such as sibling and role models -showed only limited evidence supporting the biological approach correlating hormone levels and gender behaviour in normal populations: Deady et al looked at relationship between gender role orientation an testosterone levels in child free young women asked ppts to complete SRI and asked how â€Å"broody† they felt and ideal age for having first child found women with high salivary levels of testosterone tended to have lower scores relating to the desire to have children lower maternal drives may be related to higher levels of male hormones Deady et al evaluation points Only shows a link, no cause and effect +objective measure†¦.. unbiased measurement/analysis, in that you measure what is there and not impacted by your beliefs or philosophy of something†¦that is for subjective measurement/analysis. The boy who was raised as a girl Bruce and Brian, twins born in 1965 at 6 months old, the twins were circumcised Bruce’s operation was botched and his penis was all but burnt off went to Dr. John Money (who firmly believed gender was learnt) money advised that Bruce’s penis be removed so that he looked like a girl, and be raised as Brenda Brian the identical twin was the control Brenda received female hormone treatments after being told the truth, Brenda instantly reverted to his true sex Boy who was raised as a girl evaluation points: + Biological sex is the primary factor contributing to a sense of gender. Even when he though that he was a girl he still felt like he was the wrong gender, without even knowing that he was biologically male. + Case study, lots of information, detailed account, valid +supports that nature, nurture doesn’t have as much control evaluation of the role of genes and hormones +scientific approach to gender, gender -> biology -> science -> objective, sex/gender is the same +implications on real life situations, e.g. Olympics- compete with the gender that you identify with, genetic sex no longer determines gender +makes sense, we inherit other features such as hair and eye colour, why not gender features + lots of supporting evidence 1. animal studies 2. case studies say how it supports-> +&- of studies 3. correlation studies 4. boy who was raised as a girl lots of supporting evidence, cannot generalise too deterministic†¦ gender= determined by your genes ignores other factors that determine gender role behaviour e.g. role models, siblings, media, education reductionist, reducing behaviour down to genes, hormones and genes (biology) nurture, transgender, supports nurture behaviourist approach, gender is learnt other approaches, Freud, psychosexual stages

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Buy A Home Essays - Real Estate, Mortgage Loan, Free Essays

How To Buy A Home Essays - Real Estate, Mortgage Loan, Free Essays How To Buy A Home Buying Real Estate Prepare Like so many things in life, when it comes to buying Real Estate, proper preparation is one of the keys to success. Don't want to find yourself in a neighborhood you don't like? Don't want to be making mortgage payments on a house in which you are uncomfortable? Don't want to waste your time falling in love with houses you can't afford? In a word, prepare! One of your most important tasks will be determining your needs. It can help to avoid either a nasty disappointment or the pain of buying more house than you need (or can afford). Distinguishing needs from wants will go a long way in preventing expensive mistakes in the house buying process. Establish some basic parameters and stick to them. When house hunting, it is easy to get swayed by the emotion of the momentand end up with more house than will be financially comfortable. Do your mortgage investigation early. Odds are strong that you will be working with Real Estate Agents when you buy a house. Before you go on a house search, familiarize yourself with how Agents work and most importantly, who they represent. Thousands of buyers have made the huge mistake of assuming that the Agent with whom they were working represented them in the transaction, when, in reality, the Agent represented the seller. Determining Needs Want to save a lot of aggravation and possibly a great deal of money when you buy a house? Spend a few hours determining precisely what your needs are before you begin your house search. Examples of NEEDS Examples of WANTS Enough square footage for comfortable living Carpeting color, paint color, exterior color, roof color, etc. Enough bedrooms to accommodate your family Pool or Jacuzzi (unless for medical reasons) Adequate number of bathrooms Wood floors Eat-in kitchen Bay windows Garage or basement for storage needs Built-in entertainment center Lot size to accommodate children's play area Brass lighting fixtures Adaptation for Handicapped Skylights Proximity to a specific school A pretty view Gameplan If you haven't already done so, investigate your housing needs and wants to determine what types of houses you should be considering. Learn who The Players are in a Real Estate transaction so that you will know who is responsible for what. Get your financial picture in focus as soon as possible. Get a copy of your Credit Report to see if there are problems or disrepencies that you need to deal with. Familiarize yourself with the mortgage process. Get Pre-Qualified from a Mortgage Lender. Do this first. Your Agent will need your mortgage qualification, and it will significantly strengthen your offer when you find a home. At LendingTree, you can submit a quick application, and within 2 business days get up to 4 offers from lenders so that you can compare terms and rates. Find an Agent that you trust. It is important to do this before you go rushing off looking for homes or you may end up with no representation. See the Agent Representation section for an important discussion regarding who represents whom. When you find an acceptable house, write a contract. Negotiate your best deal. Make a formal loan application. Arrange for home inspection. Arrange for closing agent or attorney. Make moving plansfor an innovative and money-saving approach to moving, click here. Secure final loan approval and commitment from the lending institution. Do a final walk through of the house. Final closing and settlement. Move to your new home and begin enjoying it!! The Players Real Estate is never bought and sold on your own The vast majority of home buyers enlist the services of a Real Estate Agent, a Lender, a Professional Home Inspector, and a Closing Attorney or Escrow Agent. Knowing what each is responsible for will help your understanding of the process and eliminate confusion as you proceed. Sellers: Familiarize yourself with seller motivations and psychology. Real Estate Agents: An Agent may or may not be your representative. an Agent will arrange to show you houses that are available through a Multiple Listing Service. Without the use of an Agent, you will be limited only to those houses that are For Sale By Owner. The Agent will coordinate the offer, negotiations and the contract of sale. Lenders: A broad term that refers to the person originating the loan to

Monday, October 21, 2019

Queen Hatshepsut essays

Queen Hatshepsut essays Queen Hatshepsut, daughter of Thutmose I and Aahmes, was one of the few female pharaohs of Egypt. There were other female pharaohs prior to her, and female pharaohs after her, although Queen Hatshepsut was special in many aspects. Hatshepsuts full name is composed of four parts. The first is she who is rich, powerful through her kas , her doubles. (Edwards) The second, nebti, indicates pharaohs authority over both east and west. (Edwards) The third, Horus, means the divine one in her risings. (Edwards) The final part of her name is composed of two cartouches. The first being Kamara, the true double of Ra. (Edwards) The second cartouche has no holy meaning but simply gives her name, Hatshepsut. (Edwards) Her full name inscribed on her great seal read: The Horus, mighty by his Kas, the lord of East and West abounding in years, the good goddess, the pious lady, the golden falcon, divine in her rings, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Kamara, the daughter of Ra, Khnumit Amon, Hatshepsut. (Edwards) Women in Egypt were quite different than those in other cultures. They were allowed to own property, hold official positions, inherit from their parents or husbands, and defend her legal rights in court. (Unknown) It seemed that they were allowed to appear in public, whereas in Greece their designated area was at home. (Unknown)Due to the social freedoms of women in Egypt, a number of queens were able to gain some influence. Hatshepsut was preceded by Tetisheri, Ahhotep II, and Ahmose-Nefertary, all whom were 17th century queens that achieved some sort of control over the government. (Unknown) Paving the way for Hatshepsut they impacted the general view of women and maintained stability and order, making her the most extraordinary female to be pharaoh in Egypt. (Unknown) Hatshepsut, daughter of Thutmose I and Ahmose, was the favor...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Impressive List of Topics for Speech Competition Which Wont Bore Your Audience

Impressive List of Topics for Speech Competition Which Wont Bore Your Audience Impressive List of Topics for Speech Competition Which Won’t Bore Your Audience If you’re looking for speech competition topics, it means that you take part in a contest in your college, national tournament or you’re just a member of Toastmasters! Anyway, if you have no idea what to talk about in front of the audience, you’ve come to the right place. We will provide you with a list of topics for speech competition where you will be able to find a suitable subject for your performance or at least get inspired to come up with your own one. But before that we would like to remind you the most important rules and requirements that you have to remember while giving a speech: Keep to the formal structure – introduction, main body, and conclusion. Make sure your style of language is appropriate to your speech theme. Avoid plagiarism at all costs. The speech must be polite and shouldn’t offend people on racial, gender, religious or any other basis. Control your movements: you are allowed to use slight natural gestures and keep them to a minimum. Match your look with the topic of your speech (within reasonable limits). These aspects are very important to consider while choosing the subject because you need to understand which topic you will be able to meet the rules as well as do your best. So, keep them in mind while having a look at our 20 sample topics for a speech competition. White Supremacists and Statues of Confederates: to Take Down or Not to Take Down? Mandatory Minimums as a Legal Display of Racism on the Governmental Level in Matters of Drug Abuse and Drug Trade Lack of Trust in Mass Media as an Instrument of Propaganda The Future of Pilotless Airliners with Autopilot Controls A New Economic Bubble: Do Governments Have to Regulate the Blockchain Markets? Donald Trump and Big Data: a Winning Combination Sophia – the First Robot in the World to Get a Citizenship and Other Privileges The Role of Ireland in the Brexit Process Recent Hurricanes and the Prospects of Geoengineering AIDS Epidemic Among Children What Will Happen When the US Acknowledges Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel? Slobodan Praljak’s Suicide During the Trial: What Does It Tell Us about Bosnia-Herzegovina? The Lack of Child Psychiatrists in Ireland and Its Consequences Who Are the Rohingya People and Why Did Pope Publicly Address Them? The Problem of Fake News on Facebook How Police Use Facebook to Catch Criminals Sexual Harassment Revelations of 2017: What Was the Trigger? Accelerated Bachelor’s Degrees: Their Advantages and Dangers The Premises for Banning College and School Beauty Contests Consequences of Revealing Your Life on Social Media Go through this list and while choosing the final topic to remember – it is important that the subject you’ll settle with would be interesting for you as well as for your audience. That’s one of the most significant criteria that you should always stake into account. At writing company you can buy speeches online which will impress your professor.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sun to electricity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sun to electricity - Research Paper Example Most of other energies used are usually run by fossil fuels, which are non-renewable, and, therefore, their supply is limited because they cannot be easily replaced. The suns energy is in abundant, and the various technologies can harness its power, which can be stored to be used at other times or immediately. The sun can, therefore, produce more electricity than any other form of energy production and the only equipment needed is that for harnessing and storing electricity. As a result, countries need to come up with efficient methods of harvesting the sun on a larger scale that has been previously. The report is going to focus on the harvesting of the suns energy and the consequent conversion of solar energy into electricity. It uses photovoltaic cells, which are embedded in the solar panel. The solar panel is made of silicon, which has various impurities added to it. Panels are either monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The resultant mixture of silicon with impurities creates a medium that converts the sun’s energy into electricity. The suns energy as compared to other reforms of energy like geothermal and nuclear energy stands out as one of the cleanest forms of energy. As a result, it does not have adverse effects on the environment. The equipment used in generating the power is not complicated, and any person can use them quite easily. Converting the sun’s energy (solar energy) into electricity follows various processes. Different photovoltaic cells are used in panels to receive the sun’s rays and convert the harvested solar energy into electricity with photovoltaic cells (Oxlade, 2008). The collected electrical energy is stored in batteries, which are later used either during the day or at night. Other technologies like collecting the suns energy using thermos electric effect have come into play where they use parabolic discs. Thermal electric devices use heat from the sun. The suns energy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Changes in the Demand and Supply of Cooking Gas in the U.S Research Paper

Changes in the Demand and Supply of Cooking Gas in the U.S - Research Paper Example This paper describes current state of American market for cooking gas in terms of the volumes of demand and supply at a time of the introduction of new technology of gas production. There is also a grafical illustration of these changes in the diagram in the paper. Cooking gas is one of the basic items whose demand and supply has been very unsteady over the years 2011-2013 . These situation led to changes in the prices for cooking gas in the U.S. The new engineering tools have resulted into boom in the supply of natural gas products, hence a change in the consumption pattern for cooking gases. Natural gas has become a preferred energy source in the U.S. and has served as the replacement of the old and popular coal-fired generations and nuclear gas in some circumstances. The U.S. has faced a new challenge in meeting the growing demand for natural gas products, particularly cooking gas, as the supply of natural gas products with the the introduction of new technology significally rised. The report by the EIA revealed that the demand for natural gas has been fueled by the fast increasing industrial energy demand. The industries are preferring natural gas over other sources of energy given its economics value such as reduced negative externalities such as pollution and affordability These changes in the prices of natural gas have given rise to speculative demand for natural gas in the U.S. Given the price elasticity of demand for natural and cooking gases in U.S., any little change in the demand for these products results into a significant change in prices.

Jay's Sporting Goods research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Jay's Sporting Goods research paper - Essay Example Jay’s Sporting Goods is compared with the competitors from every possible aspect. Thus after considering the marked differences in the marketing strategy of all three of them we finally reached the SOV that is Share of Voice. After going through some of the survey data available the market condition is judged in terms of demand for any particular product or liking towards any particular game. The study was also done to see whether any segment is untapped or not. SWOT analysis was done to understand the company’s position more properly. Based on the findings, recommendations are made. The company’s market objective is outlined and the marketing strategy is planned. The plan includes type of promotions required by the company, target segment of the company, how can they be reached, the medium that can be used to reach them. To understand the medium again the survey data were referred to understand the most popular mode of advertisement. SITUATION ANALYSIS Marketing strategy and objective The marketing objective of a company can be achieved only by planning the marketing strategies in a correct manner. To outline the marketing strategy for Jay’s Sporting Goods understanding of the 4P’s of Marketing that is Product, Price, Promotion and Place for Jay’s is very essential. ... Pricing Jay’s Sporting Goods has a wide variety of product from different brands whose prices also differ. Since they have tie ups with many brands so the prices range is huge. One can get any item at cheaper price as well as at high price too (Jay’s Sporting Goods). Place Jay’s Sporting Goods is an online and outdoor superstore with two locations in Michigan. It’s a 41 years old business who started their operations in 1971 with 78,000 square ft building in Clare and a 40,000 Square ft building in Gaylord. So customers can visit them not only in their superstores but also online through their websites (Jay’s Sporting Goods). Promotion The various promotional strategies have been adopted by the Company. They offer discounts of certain percentage on certain products. They have also organized some seminars inviting some renowned personalities who are into the world of adventures. They have several outdoor partners, which are mainly different shows tel ecasted in television and radios. The company Jay’s Sporting Goods also has a product named Gift card which provides you opportunity for not only online shopping but also shopping at their store (Jay’s Sporting Goods). Thus we have thrown a light on the existing marketing strategy from where we can plan our future marketing and promotional strategies which will lead to the growth of the company. SWOT analysis of the company Strength The company deals in a wide variety of products both for men and women. So the company is not gender biased which opens up a huge market for them. The company has gone for an online store where one can buy any item right from their home, at a single click on the mouse. "Give the customer what they need and give them the best service possible" is the philosophy of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The French Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The French Revolution - Essay Example But more interestingly, it was a rebellion against the conventional ideas and the established philosophy, with even religious discord and a struggle for supremacy (Smitha). This paper purports to discuss the main aspects of the revolution, both in terms of its reasons, and its effects. Let us consider the economic and political reasons first. France was emerging as the second world power after Britain, and there was a relentless struggle for world domination (Smitha). The French had colonies and their economic status was improving. However, their population was increasing side by side, and at a much rapid pace. Moreover, the colonies in the New World were getting independent and forming the United States of America, so the trade and commerce was divided, with Britain taking the lead (Smitha). The population of France had increased by five or six million in a span of roughly fifty years, whereas the food production was still slow and rudimentary, unsuitable to provide for the increase in the people to be fed (Smitha). In the 1780s, Paris alone had a population of 650,000 (Smitha). However, around eighty percent of the crop production around Paris was done for personal consumption by the farmers, and only around twenty percent was available in the market (Smitha). This meant that any loss in the yield, which happened frequently due to poor methods of farming and feudal system, made the common man go hungry (Smitha). This was worsened by the fact that the French economy was by large an agricultural economy, so there was no other major source of income for the government (Smitha). The government had not provided any means of storage or relief in times of need, and so the prices of bread, the staple food of the French, rose as the availability declined (Smitha). Moreover, the textile industry, which was till then a leading industry, was overtaken by the British who provided cheaper and better quality cloth to the French, thereby decreasing French export and increasi ng their import (Smitha). These, and many other economic and political factors led to a great divide between the ruling class and the common man. In 1788, there was a terrible hailstorm, which led to the worst crop yield in forty years, giving way to a most severe winter season (Smitha). Most of the people were jobless. A riot broke out (Smitha), which soon formed the shape of the revolution that went in history as the French Revolution. The intellectual and philosophical reasons behind the revolution were as important as the economic and political motives. There were two distinct groups of thinkers and socialites, the conservatives and the radicals (Cody). It is interesting to note that this intellectual revolution, for the most part, originated elsewhere outside of France, mostly in Britain, but it effected the French in the most potent manner, who rose to rebel against the established regime (Cody). There rebellion, in turn, effected the British and the rest of Europe in a profou nd way. The conservatives sided with Newton and Locke, and believed in reason, whereas, the radicals included Blake, Godwin, and Paine, among others (Cody). The French were then more influenced by the radicals who promised equality, brotherhood, and freedom (Cody). This strife led to prolonged debates on the subject of humanity and liberty between the radicals and conservatives for years (Cody). The French Revolution, however, ended in a â€Å"reign of terror† (Cody). The radicals, who had been greatly praised and supported by their British counterparts, lost control and went too far in their struggle to end any traces of the former regime (Cody). They assured that by slaughtering anyone who had any

Starting a Car Wash in Nigeria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Starting a Car Wash in Nigeria - Essay Example â€Å"Car ownership shot up in the oil-boom of Nigeria’s middle-income group from the mid-seventies. In the midst of a buoyant oil economy, the eighties saw the resurgence in the use of seconds. Today, there are more cars than parking space available. The growth of automobiles is so conspicuous that any business related to this industry is high on every businessman’s agenda.† (O’seun Ogunseitan, Wednesday is an odd day in Lagos, www.newint.org) .2.0  Locationâ€Å"Jigawa State, with its capital at Dutse, is seen as a potential business centre for car wash. The state offers a very conducive environment for potential investors. The local administration has, with the view to encourage investment put for ward a package of incentives to investors, including free supply of infrastructure, preferential approval of certificates of occupancy in industrial layouts, tax relief and other incentives (Jigawa State, 1998)† (Investment Opportunities, OnlineNigeri a, www.onlinenigeria.com). 3.0  Scope   Factors that determine the success of any business, marketing and selling, keeping costs under control, hiring quality employees, and location need to be considered. Dutse is an ideal destination for car wash business (see ‘Location’). Break-even would be at the end of three and half years or 42 months.(Jigawa State, 1998)... 4. Add benefits that will attract more customers, such as free service check, or bonus points on every car wash, home delivery and pickup, complimentary tickets, and so on. The following Profit and Loss Statement is based on the following: (Note: The figures projected are assumed and not to be recorded). Number of working days is 25 a month. 1. Wash only is calculated at the rate of $6.00 for 25 cars a day. 2. Wash and Vacuum is at the rate of $8.00 for 20 cars a day. 3. Merchandise Sales consists of greens, and refreshments. 4. Sponges calculated at $0.75 each at 20 a day. 5. Detergent at $1.50 a bottle numbering 10 a day. 6. Window cleaner at $1.00 at 10 a day. 7. Paper rolls at $0.50 for an 80-roll sheet at 20 a day. 8. Salaries calculated at $3.00 an hour for 6 workers a day. 9. Rent at $1000.00 a month. 10. Telephone and electricity is calculated at $100.00 a month. (Coutesy: Miller, wside.k12.il.us).5 Profit & Loss Statement: August 2003 through July 2006 Aug- Jul 04 Sep- Jul 05 TOTAL Income/Expense Income Wash Only 45,000.00 90,000.00 135,000.00 Wash & Vacuum 48,000.00 72,000.00 120,000.00 Merchandise Sales 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 Revenue Miscellaneous Income (Tax Relief) 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 Total Revenue 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Total Income 118,000.00 187,000.00 305,000.00 Expense Sponges 4,500.00 10,000.00 14,500.00 Detergent (24-ounce bottle) 4,500.00 10,000.00 14,500.00 Window cleaner (32-ounce) 3,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 Paper-roll towels (80-sheet roll) 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 Poster

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The French Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The French Revolution - Essay Example But more interestingly, it was a rebellion against the conventional ideas and the established philosophy, with even religious discord and a struggle for supremacy (Smitha). This paper purports to discuss the main aspects of the revolution, both in terms of its reasons, and its effects. Let us consider the economic and political reasons first. France was emerging as the second world power after Britain, and there was a relentless struggle for world domination (Smitha). The French had colonies and their economic status was improving. However, their population was increasing side by side, and at a much rapid pace. Moreover, the colonies in the New World were getting independent and forming the United States of America, so the trade and commerce was divided, with Britain taking the lead (Smitha). The population of France had increased by five or six million in a span of roughly fifty years, whereas the food production was still slow and rudimentary, unsuitable to provide for the increase in the people to be fed (Smitha). In the 1780s, Paris alone had a population of 650,000 (Smitha). However, around eighty percent of the crop production around Paris was done for personal consumption by the farmers, and only around twenty percent was available in the market (Smitha). This meant that any loss in the yield, which happened frequently due to poor methods of farming and feudal system, made the common man go hungry (Smitha). This was worsened by the fact that the French economy was by large an agricultural economy, so there was no other major source of income for the government (Smitha). The government had not provided any means of storage or relief in times of need, and so the prices of bread, the staple food of the French, rose as the availability declined (Smitha). Moreover, the textile industry, which was till then a leading industry, was overtaken by the British who provided cheaper and better quality cloth to the French, thereby decreasing French export and increasi ng their import (Smitha). These, and many other economic and political factors led to a great divide between the ruling class and the common man. In 1788, there was a terrible hailstorm, which led to the worst crop yield in forty years, giving way to a most severe winter season (Smitha). Most of the people were jobless. A riot broke out (Smitha), which soon formed the shape of the revolution that went in history as the French Revolution. The intellectual and philosophical reasons behind the revolution were as important as the economic and political motives. There were two distinct groups of thinkers and socialites, the conservatives and the radicals (Cody). It is interesting to note that this intellectual revolution, for the most part, originated elsewhere outside of France, mostly in Britain, but it effected the French in the most potent manner, who rose to rebel against the established regime (Cody). There rebellion, in turn, effected the British and the rest of Europe in a profou nd way. The conservatives sided with Newton and Locke, and believed in reason, whereas, the radicals included Blake, Godwin, and Paine, among others (Cody). The French were then more influenced by the radicals who promised equality, brotherhood, and freedom (Cody). This strife led to prolonged debates on the subject of humanity and liberty between the radicals and conservatives for years (Cody). The French Revolution, however, ended in a â€Å"reign of terror† (Cody). The radicals, who had been greatly praised and supported by their British counterparts, lost control and went too far in their struggle to end any traces of the former regime (Cody). They assured that by slaughtering anyone who had any

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Truman Show Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Truman Show - Assignment Example The film appropriately shows the dilemma of identity experienced by Truman as he wonders whether is life is real or is part of a staged drama, with its script written by other controllers. This dilemma which he experiences is part of the multiphrenia referred to by Gergen in many respects. First, the self population of Truman in his own life and the presence of a large audience watching Truman’s activities through hidden cameras is a determinant of the fact that Truman has a multiple sense of ‘self’ where one is himself and the other is the Truman being watched by the audience. Even the world around Truman is part of the staged â€Å"reality† based in the sets of Seahaven thereby creating an artificial world for Truman to dwell in. While every other character in the show is an actor, Truman is one who is just living his life like a supposedly normal individual, but which is a show for the world outside. Although Truman seems to be quite a popular character from the television show, it is important to understand that Truman himself has been isolated from the external world just as Gergen described is an implication of the inculcation of more and more individual values. Before being himself, Truman is put in front of others in the world making him an object similar to a commodity or a good that is understood in terms of its demand among the people. Gergen gives a critical thought on the set of interpretations made by the audiences who base their meanings out of some pre-knowledge gained through experience. Gergen has called this ‘forestructure’ or ‘perspective’ which is a set of prior understandings which enable an individual to derive meanings out of any textual or verbal information. Since the same perspective has now adopted multiple forms, there has been an increase in the complexity of truth. This fact also introduces confusion as to concept of rationality within an individual. Although Truman is able to f ind his way out of the fake world he had been forced into. In many ways, Truman is living an ideal life: one which is illusory and fake, and the way his life differs from an average human being largely lies in the perception of Truman’s world.  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Identify Statistics Essay Example for Free

Identify Statistics Essay The Human development Index (HDI) is a general measure of how a country has developed over a certain period of time. It is measured through the use of literacy levels, provision of education, healthcare, life expectancy and the gross domestic product of a country. The HDI of most countries is measured by organizations that would like to use the data for various uses including deciding which of these countries need aid. The HDI of Libya, for instance is placed at 0. 47 in the year 2007. This was an increase of 0. 44% which is substantial. This information was provided by the United Nations in the year 2007. Such statistics are collected by UN for the sole purpose of measuring the rates of development and well-being of the human populations in these regions. It is then important in deciding which of the considered nations need help and in which sectors this help might be most needed (UNDP, 2009). This statistic is a bit misleading due to the fact that some contributing factors are not looked at critically. Some of the factors like democracy and rights are not looked at. Therefore, when looking at the index critically, we realize that such important factors are not considered in determination of the well-being of the general population. This therefore leads us to a conclusion that the calculation might not be able to conclusively portray the right picture to those who are using it.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Burst Transmissions Technology And Characteristics

Burst Transmissions Technology And Characteristics Strategy is the art of making use of time and space. I am less concerned about the latter than the former. Space we can recover, lost time never Napolean Benoparte BURST TRANSMISSIONS TECHNOLOGY 1. Having understood the surveillance network requirements, carried out an analysis of our present surveillance network and identified burst transmission as an alternative means to pass the information to surveillance centres, the aim of this part is to analyse the effectiveness of burst transmission technology for the networking of surveillance resources in desert terrain for offensive operations. BURST TRANSMISSIONS TECHNOLOGY AND CHARACTERISTICS 2. Electromagnetic waves, like all other waves are characterized by their frequency and intensity. The electromagnetic spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves of all possible frequencies. This spectrum extends from the VHF ranges to mill metric waves in military  [1]  . The electromagnetic waves do not follow the man made rules/ international boundaries. They can be easily intercepted and analysed to get intelligence about the enemy  [2]  . Today we are using VHF radio as the primary means of passing our surveillance information to our surveillance centres. 3. Working Of Burst Transmission. The term burst transmission involves compressing the data, high data signaling rate and transmitting in short bursts which are not easily detectable by the enemy. Burst transmission basically compresses the same data and sends it in bursts. This technology is very popular among the spies and military personals due to its advantages  [3]  . 4. A radio packet is a short transmission in burst form of data that occurs on a radio channel. The burst data may have different types of radio characteristics i.e the modulation type, error coding, preamble length and transmission guard time periods. It contains reference sequences in form of a preamble and possible a midamble, control information and payload of data. The combination of all the above mentioned characteristics is called the burst profile  [4]  . A burst set is a single burst transmission packet and it has the preamble along with one or more bursts of data. The bursts of information will contain packets having different modulation and coding. A burst frame contains the complete set of information for a burst transmission. The bursts within a burst set are sequenced according to their modulation complexity. With the bursts having lower complexity modulation beginning located at the beginning of the radio packet. Subsequent bursts can use modulation types with high er complexity (e.g. QPSK, QAM). This allows subscriber stations to receive and decode all the bursts up to the burst with the highest modulation type it can receive  [5]  . 5. To enable the receiving device to lock on, the radio bursts start with a sequence of bits i.e a preamble that the receiving device can recognize and lock onto. On locking onto the preamble, it knows the location of the rest of the packets. For longer radio bursts, midamble sequences may be inserted which helps the receivers in the decoding of bursts. A midamble is defined as a sequence of bits which the receiving device can recognize and lock onto to assist in decoding the bits surrounding it. Sending preambles and midambles frequently give the user an increased mobility. Data packets may be inserted within the payload of a single radio burst. They may be located at one place or divided or fragmented over several radio packet bursts or multiple small packets and packed into the burst payload. The figure below depicts an example of a radio packet which is made of a preamble and a set of bursts  [6]  . https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgrisom62uNjYZlwnWBkr-LIiyg0KsB8wU6iStfX9NB0tmv_PZB_K6O4BfwfCjp6lz4BHug6yUatRQmRWG7kXisAOSTeffxckz10jATmCjAvD_weIQ7XspUyt4zHMDu0Siuh3Hybdy5zIIc/s400/1.jpg Figure Radio Packet Containing Preamble And Data 6. Characteristics Of Burst Transmission Technology. It is a relatively high bandwidth transmission over short period of time  [7]  . Very high data signaling rate with very short transmission time  [8]  . Data is stored for a given time are sent at 10 to more than 100 times the normal rates, recorded when received and then slowed down to normal rate for use by the receiver  [9]  . It has Low Probability of Intercept and Low Probability of Detection  [10]  . The actual transmission time is very less which make it difficult to detect. The download time might use 2Mbit/s on a average while having peaks bursting up to 2.4 Mbits/s  [11]  . Data transmission is interrupted at intervals  [12]  . Data is digitally encrypted  [13]  . 7. Limitation Of Burst Transmission Technology. The system is dependent on the radio interface for transmission of data. Line of sight is still a major consideration for VHF transmission. HF transmission is recommended to obviate the problem  [14]  . The error in data during transmission / reception can lead to error at the receiving end. 8. The burst transmission is a suitable means to transmit data over a long range in secure mode due to the following reasons:- The transmission takes place for a short period i.e only when data has to be passed, thus it has a Low Probability of Intercept and Low Probability of Detection. It is difficult for enemy Direction Finding systems to locate the radio as it transmits for a short duration that is only when required. MODELS IN USE 9. The burst transmission technology is one of the technologies being used in the armed forces of other countries for networking. The Harris RF- 3700, Falcon II AN/PRC 150 (c), GRA -71 all of USA, GRC -6400 400W HF Radio System, Tadiiran HF -6000 Radio System of Israel and HF 7000 of Germany are examples of use of burst transmission in military communication. Similar equipments using burst transmission have been designed and developed in India by Bharat Electronic Limited. 10. Harris RF 3700 Harris Universal Transmission Software (HUITS). It is a Microsoft-Windows 2000/XP compatible software being used by United States forces for fast and reliable transmission of high resolution digital imagery, motion video clips and other data difficult tactical communication channels. It has a data transfer rate of 64 kbps and uses burst transmission to transmit data. Data/ images are transferred using HF/VHF/ UHF/ landline media on a click of a button once acquired  [15]  . 11. Falcon II AN/PRC 150 (c). It is a software defined HF radio system being used by United States forces for tactical communication including data transfer. It uses burst transmission and has high speed modem for data transfer. It can be interfaced with US Tactical Internet without any additional boxes  [16]  . 12. GRC -6400 400W HF Radio System. It is a 400W HF radio system being used by Israel for tactical communication including data transfer. It uses burst transmission and has an adaptive high rate modem up to 4.8 Mbit/s for data transfer  [17]  . 13. Tadiiran HF 6000. It is a HF radio system being manufactured by Elbit Systems, Israel for tactical communication including data transfer. It can also use burst transmission for data transfer. It is available in fixed station, ship, vehicle, man pack and high power versions  [18]  . 14. HF 7000. It is a HF radio system being used in Germany for tactical communication including data transfer. It uses burst transmission for fast data transfer. It is available in fixed, semi mobile base, vehicle and man pack versions  [19]  . EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FROM BHARAT ELECTRONIC LIMITED 15. There are similar equipments being made in India by Bharat Electronic Limited. However they have not been exploited for surveillance network till today. The equipments available from Bharat Electronic Limited are discussed in succeeding paras. 16. Spurt Message Alphanumeric Radio Terminal (SMART). It is a message processing and transmission equipment based on a microprocessor for field use. It provides reliable burst transmission capability and reduces radio channel occupancy time with in reduction in probability of interference and jamming. It has a facility to prepare messages off air with the alphanumeric keyboard and display unit of the equipment. It supports both free and formatted text messages and has built-in encryption for text message. Voice Links on HF Radio can be done using the built-in modem. It can operate in poor channel conditions. A hard copy of messages can be taken by connecting a printer to a serial port ASCII printer. The terminal can also be optimized for a particular application. Interface with PC is also available as an optional S/W module to handle messages having relatively longer length, thus giving an user friendly edit capability. It is being used by the Mobile Observation flights of Indian Ai r Force  [20]  . 17. Hand Held Radio Terminal (HART). It is a small size, light weight and low power consuming terminal used for preparation and transmission of alphanumeric messages digitally. Its ideal for field use. The terminal reduces the chances of interference and jamming by providing reliable burst transmission capability and reduce radio channel occupancy time. Messages are prepared off-air with the alphanumeric keyboard. Messages reception is automatic  [21]  . 18. HF Trans receiver. It is an advanced lightweight 20W HF portable radio set. It meets all the requirements of short-range communication to operate in crowded HF band. It provides voice, data, telegraphy and flash (burst) message communication. Communication reliability is improved by means of automatic link establishment, which enable real-time selection of optimum channel frequency  [22]  . 19. Stand Alone Communication Unit (SACU). It is a high speed, secure data communication equipment using burst communication technique with built in encryption method and modems contained in a rugged compact unit. It has the facility for communication over three independent channels simultaneously. The advantage provides are short on-air time and high network capacity. It has capability to edit, address, transmit, receive, acknowledge, store and print the messages  [23]  . 20. Burst Error Control System for Teleprinter (BEST Mk II). It is a microprocessor based forward error control equipment for reliable burst transmission of alphanumeric messages. It can be easily connected with conventional teleprinters and personal computers to prepare messages off-air from the terminal and transmit synchronously in a burst mode. It has additional features like automatic reception, message numbering, date and time, multiple copy print out, auto print mode, auto repeat facility, etc  [24]  . 21. There are a number of VHF radio sets using burst transmission for data communication; however they are not being discussed further since VHF radio has limited bandwidth and limited range being a line of sight communications. It is thus unsuitable for offensive operation in deserts  [25]  . 22. Deductions. The burst transmission is being used by tactical radio manufactures in USA, Germany, Israel and many other countries due to its advantages like high data transfer, digital encryption, low probability of Intercept and detection. Software Defined Radio and software like Harris RF-3700 Harris Universal Transmission Software not only enable the easy transfer of images/ data but also give the facility to connect to tactical internet network without any additional connections. Thus real time fast and reliable transmission of high resolution digital imagery, motion video clips and other data which is difficult over VHF radio based tactical communication networks can be achieved through burst transmission. The United States is using this technology in their Joint Tactical System Program  [26]  .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How does Duffy’s treatment of themes of war and death involve the reade

Carol Ann Duffy’s poem ‘War Photographer’ shows the life and actions of a photographer and portrays how unappreciative we are of what the photographer has to see and go through to take photographs. The poem shows that photographers are doing their duty, but we are not reacting to the photographs in the way that we should be. ‘War photographer’ tries to put a point across to make us realise that war is wrong and the public have become hardened to it. War in the media does not affect us as much as it should do. The editors use gory pictures to shock the readers as something that is disturbing shows the darker side of humanity. While the editors put in pictures of people suffering and facing death, their best interests are not for the people in the picture, but are in the readers, as the more shocking the pictures are the more people buy the paper. That fact that we buy papers because of the explicit photos show us how much we have become hardened to war and that there is also a small element of enjoyment when we see the pictures. This is reflected in the editors of the â€Å"Sunday Supplements† who choose the five or six photos for the ‘hundred agonies’. Throughout the poem Duffy has used symbolism of words to create an ominous feel. In the first paragraph of the poem the photographer is in the â€Å"darkroom† where â€Å"The only light is red†. The â€Å"darkroom† symbolises hatred, evil and death which ties in with the â€Å"red† light which symbolises death and blood. Also conveying the theme is the photographer, who has ‘spools of suffering set out in ordered rows.’ which portrays mass murder and thousand of graves as does ‘all flesh is grass’ which shows how people are seen as dispensable; â€Å"grass† can re-grow, which means that people are nev... ... that is never ending and wants us to realise this so we can try to break the cycle. Carol Anne Duffy uses the ‘War Photographer’ to portray the destruction and devastation that the war tends to bring. I get the idea that the photographer doesn't really enjoy his job as he has painful memories as he 'remembers the cries' this shows that seeing people dying is something that he never forgot about. The war photographer is going through a lot of emotional pain and damage to take war photographs, Duffy uses the poem to show that the readers do not appreciate him nearly as much as they should do. Duffy has a view that war is filled with pain and that people in peaceful society can’t really understand the full impact of war and therefore we have become hardened to it and need to do something to stop the disaster in other countries from repeating itself over and over.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Why Volunteer

Why Volunteer? Have you ever thought about volunteering? If you're not booked for the weekend, try volunteering at your favorite charity. You might like it! People who volunteer tend to be more successful in life. With this in mind, you may want to consider volunteering your time at a charitable organization. You would be completing tasks that are not assigned to people specifically, learning important life skills, and at the same time, increasing your health. Yes, you heard it right. Volunteering does help your health. As you probably know, not all tasks in the world are assigned to people.Take trash pickup for example. If nobody picked up the trash on the side of the road, it would stay there forever and definitely cause pollution. Have you ever noticed the â€Å"Adopt a highway/' signs by the road? Well, those organizations who adopt the Highways are all run by volunteers. Doesn't it feel good to do something without getting paid? You may find volunteering can be contagious. Thin k about it; if I were to walk on the beach and pick up trash, by standers may see me and begin to pick up trash as well. Before you know it, the beach is pretty clean. So, look around.See what is needed in your community, and consider volunteering to do it. A quote by Anne Frank states, â€Å"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. † What does this mean to you? Most of the time, volunteer work will help you learn important life skills. During middle school, you certainly will get a ton of projects. Do you have a habit of putting them off until the last minute? If so, you need to learn time management. Volunteering can teach you that. However, be careful not to et your volunteer hours interfere with your other responsibilities such as homework or sports.Also, volunteering can teach you communication skills. You would become more comfortable talking to different kinds of people. You may even discover hidden talents. According to the University of Ar kansas, important life skills are learned by volunteering. That is a fact! Yes, I know volunteering takes up a lot of time, but you are helping your health. According to Make a Difference Day Survey, CM, nearly half of all volunteers (47%) say volunteering has improved their physical health and tiniest. Many volunteers state they have been affected when they volunteer.They said it helps your mental health. Studies have shown 18-24 year olds have drunken less alcohol since volunteering. Volunteering also helps reduce stress. Depression is a sign of loneliness, but when you volunteer, it combats that and you may even meet a friend there. Some health benefits due to volunteering are fewer risks of heart attacks and lower stress levels. Don't you want to help your health? A quote by Ghanaian says, â€Å"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in he service of others. Volunteering not only gives you a good feeling about yourself, it helps you learn more about your community. Helping your health, doing tasks that are not assigned, and learning important life skills are all things you can achieve while volunteering. If you don't like to get dirty cooking or cleaning, try volunteering at a bake sale. Without a doubt, you will get to see the joy in children's faces when they get a messy, chocolate cupcake. Be sure to hand them a napkin! That is why you need to step up and volunteer today.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Existence of God Essay

Descartes applies the ‘Cogito ergo sum’ (‘I think therefore I am’) argument from the second meditation to prove another foundational truth, which is the existence of God. He uses his personal Christian belief and definition of God to build upon this proposition and tries to prove that something besides him exists by contemplating his idea of God. This essay will explain and assess Descartes’ aetiological and cause of existence arguments for the existence of God by identifying the meaning of existence in this context and the clear and distinct rule, as well as examining each premise and conclusion of the proofs. Finally, this essay shall attempt to evaluate Descartes’ arguments. The Third Meditation begins with Descartes’ affirmation of his own existence. He is a thinking thing which exists by clear and distinct perception, and it is therefore impossible to be doubtful of knowledge that he completely understands. Certainty and truth are equated. In order to establish the clear and distinct rule, Descartes must prove the existence of a perfect and undeceiving God: â€Å"Since I am a thinking thing, and have in me an idea of God, whatever finally the cause may be to which my nature is attributed, it must necessarily be admitted that the cause must equally be a thinking thing, and possess within it the idea of all the perfections that I attribute to the divine nature.† Descartes has an idea of God and perceives that God would not deceive him since deception would mean imperfection, and God is infinite and perfect. Descartes also presents the idea that with God’s perfection comes His existence. This can be summarised as: |(P1) |Descartes exists because he thinks. | |(P2) |He exists by clear and distinct perception of things. | |(C1) |Descartes exists as a thinking thing. | |(P3) |As a thinking thing, he has an idea of an infinite and perfect God (which is clear and distinct). | |(C2) |God is infinite and perfect in his idea. | |(P4) |Existence is perfection. | |(C3) |An infinite and perfect God exists in his idea. | This is an argument considering the idea of God alone and does not rely on experience to prove his point. This relies on the ‘Casual Adequacy Principle’[1]. Descartes argues: â€Å"There must be at least as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in its effect.† He claims that his idea of a perfect God must itself be caused by something perfect. Descartes also defends this argument by insisting that: â€Å"†¦.certainly not nothing, and so it cannot come from nothing.† For example, the existence of a stone (which previously did not exist) must be produced by something which contains the components of a stone. The cause must have more reality than its effect. The flaw here is that there is no definite connection between the cause of an object (something perfect) and its effect (idea of a perfect God). If there were, then it would follow that perfection created God, and that perfection must have been caused and created by something else, and so o n and so forth, which would lead to an infinite regress. This idea therefore, does not have a straightforward cause and is false. Hume argues that we can conceive of something perfect without any bearing on its actual and immediate existence. It is logically possible that some ideas have no cause. If the idea of God has no cause, Descartes’ proposition is false and the argument fails. Another variation of this argument is that the idea that God cannot exist in Descartes’ mind unless God Himself put that idea there, and that God must have brought about Descartes’ existence; not himself, his parents or something else less than God, which does not have a power and perfection to cause this, neither could an infinite series of events, each causing the other but not able to cause the idea of God: â€Å"Altogether then, it must be concluded that the mere fact that I exist and I have within me the idea of the most perfect being, that is, God, provides a very clear proof that God indeed exists.† This can be summarised as: |(P5) |If the cause of Descartes’ idea of God must not come from himself, his parents, something else or infinite series of | | |events. | |(C4) |Then the cause of Descartes’ idea of God is God. | |(C3) |An infinite and perfect God exists in his idea. | |(P6) |Neither himself, his parents, something else, nor an infinite series of events causes Descartes’ existence. | |(C5) |Descartes’ existence is caused by God. | |(P7) |If God created Descartes. | |(C6) |Then God exists. | This argument depends more on assertion than logical progression, but Descartes goes on to try and prove through the ‘aetiological’ or ‘trademark argument’ that the presence of the idea of God in our mind means that God has stamped it there. It is innate and cannot be explained by experience. Descartes’ idea of God is clear and distinct, and by God he means infinity and perfection. This can be summarised as: |(P3) |Descartes has a clear and distinct idea of God. | |(P8) |Only something infinite and perfect can create something infinite and perfect. | |(P9) |The only infinite and perfect being is God. | |(C7) |The idea of God must be created by God (the same as C4 but reworded) | |(P3) |Descartes has a clear and distinct idea of God. | |(C8) |God exists clearly and distinctly in his idea (the same as C3 but reworded) | If both P3 and C8 are true, Descartes is guilty of circular reasoning (begging the question fallacy). This argument relies upon its conclusion. It also follows God exists only as an idea. However, Descartes claims that there are different kinds of clear and distinct perceptions; one that could be subjected to doubt, for instance: 1 + 1 = 2 is a judgement (which corresponds to things that exist independently of him) and can be doubted unless God confirms it, and, therefore, potentially doubtful. The other is that his clear and distinct perception that God exists is an idea with no judgement attached and somehow immune from doubt (he cannot be wrong about the contents of his own thoughts/ideas). This makes me think that Descartes awards himself the prerogative of distinguishing ideas that can be clearly and distinctly perceived from those which cannot. In this essay, and in Descartes’ meditation, the word ‘idea’ has come up numerous times. This leads me to conclude that the only proof that Descartes manages to establish is that God exists as an idea. He does not have to build the reality of God’s empirical existence into an idea that is already clear and distinct. However, it does not follow that anything represented by such an idea actually exists, except, of course, in the case of God (again, probably one of Descartes’ prerogatives). For example, within my reasoning, I possess the concept of God but do not have to believe that He exists; but as a believer, I may argue that God exists for reasons which our intellect cannot grasp. This requires a ‘leap of faith’ rather than hard evidence. Similarly, someone may argue that they can conceive of there being dragons. We all understand what dragons are, but do not necessarily believe they exist. It is probably therefore necessary to build empirical, actual existence into the argument to prove that anything exists in a concrete and meaningful way. Apart from the flaws identified in Descartes’ arguments, much of his reasoning seems sound and valid. He has established two fundamental truths: ‘I exist’ and ‘God exists’ to be logically necessary, clear and distinct ideas. So, as a matter of logic, it does not make sense to doubt the existence of the idea of God. However, Descartes’ argument does little to endorse my residual belief in God, which results from a convent education. The idea of God made in man’s image is comprehensible to most people. Indeed, â€Å"The idea of God is central to religion, and without it, religion would not exist.† (Mary Warnock). This is a perfectly valid argument but no proof of God’s existence outside the mind. Bibliography Burns, E. and Law, S. 2004. Philosophy for AS and A2. Oxon: Routledge Cottingham, C. 1996. Descartes Meditations of First Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Thornes, N. 2008. AQA Philosophy. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd Vardy, P. 1999. The Puzzle of God. London: HarperCollins Publisher Warnock, M. 2010. Dishonest to God. London: Continuum International Publishing Group Online Textbook Pecorino, A (MD). 2001. Philosophy of Religion. Queensborough Community College, CUNY Website http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/descartes-meditations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_adequacy_principle Word Count 1,346 ———————– [1] CAP is a philosophical claim made by Descartes that the cause of an object must contain at least as much reality as the object itself, whether formally or eminently.

China’s Reform and Opening-Up Policy Essay

Deng Xiaoping in the eyes of all the Chinese people are very familiar with, because he proposed the reform and opening up policy, China has undergone enormous changes, China not only in the economic, political, cultural, social and other fields, various aspects have made great progress. I will divide my speech into three parts, the first part of the economy, the primary stage of socialism, the basic economic system has been established. Adjust and improve the ownership structure, changes in the ownership structure of public ownership as the main body, and a variety of forms of ownership develop the basic economic system. The reform of state-owned enterprises made ​significant progress. 30 years as the central link of the economic reform, the management system and operation mechanism reform of state-owned enterprises continued to deepen. Most of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises as diverse shareholders corporate enterprises, state-owned economy and structural adjustm ent progresses, greatly stimulate the vitality of enterprises, enhance the control and influence of the state-owned economy. The new macro-control system gradually perfected. Break the traditional highly centralized planning and management system, and gradually establish a macro-control system to adapt to the requirements of the socialist market economy, the transformation of government functions, planning, investment, finance and taxation, finance, foreign exchange, the price system reform has achieved significant progress in the formation of national planning and fiscal , monetary policy and the coordination of macro-control system. The second part, resource allocation, income distribution system is undergoing a fundamental change. Established distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist distribution system, the establishment of the production factors of labor, capital, technology and management system of distribution according to contribution. Emphasis on the treatment of the relationship between the initial distribution and redistribution in the efficiency and fairness, give full play to the enthusiasm. The third part, social security, social security system of Chinese characteristics basically formed. Establishing and continuously improving the urban basic old-age insurance system, the formation of the urban and rural basic medical insurance system, and constantly improve the unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance and maternity insurance system, generally establish minimum living security system for urban and rural residents, and gradually improve the social assistance system.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

No topic - Essay Example They are all similarly Caucasian in appearance, but they have different cultural traditions, and it is this social difference that is called ethnicity. These ethnic differences have been a part of American history from the beginning, because people from many different countries came over as immigrants and formed communities which carried on these original traditions. The bigger American culture is made up of elements from all those other cultures. The English view of race was very positive about white people, seeing them as conquering heroes, who had taken over lands as rulers, just as English companies took over India and other colonies. They saw other races as inferior, however, and this was very extreme in the case of Africa. African people were viewed as savages and they were exploited because the British had superior weapons. This treatment shows that the British thought of Africans as something less than human and this kind of attitude was brought over to America in the early days, and transferred also to the view that white Americans had of other groups, including all the native tribes and nations who were on the land before the Europeans arrived. The system of slavery began with the establishment of various kinds of colonies in the American territories. There were not enough white people to tend the fields and so a system of plantations was created, bringing African Americans as slaves to work in them. These people were brought by force. There were also many poor white people who voluntarily became slaves for a fixed period of time, because this gave them a chance to make a new life in America when they had failed to prosper in their home country. White people saw themselves as superior, and this is a social cause of slavery. Slaves were not allowed to decide about family matters like getting married, and having children, and they could not own property, or invest in their own education, making this a

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Western Worldview on Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Western Worldview on Environment - Research Paper Example For example, greenhouse gases that diminish the ozone affect the weather system which in turn affects the lives and homes of people. A hurricane can put out electrical power for several weeks leaving thousands without the ability to heat their homes, store food, and function in the ways they have become accustomed to. People need to stop thinking of only themselves and realize that each one of us is a part of a larger whole. To that whole we each have a responsibility as a member, but it also may turn out that by being environmentally conscious our own lives are also improved. One part of subscribing to the western worldview is the expectation of acquisition. One is reminded of this expectation especially at this time of year when the dominant image is of shopping and acquiring goods. At one time I subscribed to the idea that buying stuff was good: good for me who got stuff, and good for the economy because it helped to keep jobs and move money around. When the economy recently slowe d down, I heard a lot of people talking about getting by with less by recycling and reusing. I started thinking of ways I could participate. Chris Johnstone of the Deep Ecology Institute explains it as â€Å"a holistic approach to facing world problems that brings together thinking, feeling, spirituality and action. It involves moving beyond the individualism of Western culture towards also seeing ourselves as part of the earth. This leads to a deeper connection with life, where Ecology is not just seen as something 'out there', but something we are part of and have a role to play in† (Johnstone). Reusing and/or recycling as a system depends upon and affects the economy as a system and so forth. Admittedly my motive was to save money, but that motive grew as I started thinking of ways to stretch my dollar by being environmentally savvy. For instance, I found out that I actually prefer to wear jeans dried on the clothes line over jeans dried in an electric dryer. However, when I have to use my dryer, I leave the kitchen door open so it helps to heat my kitchen. I also cut down on the use of both my washer and my dryer by wearing my jeans more than once before I wash them. Besides saving money and energy using my dryer and my clothes line, I also stopped driving my car to the store and started riding my bicycle. I have to make more trips more often, but I am not using an energy source other than the one I generate, and by moving about under my own steam instead of some dead dinosaur’s, I am improving my health and my physical appearance. So, the health of the earth’s inhabitants as a system depends upon the environmental system. Last year I started a compost pile in my yard, so when spring rolled around I had some free fertilizer which I added to some dirt. Then I planted tomatoes, green beans, and some peppers in the pile of dirt and compost. I got to eat fresh veggies all summer. Again my health is improved by improving the soil (the earth ) and the interrelated systems of the natural world demonstrate dependence on each other. Some people believe that they are excluded from being a part of the whole when it comes to environmental consciousness. These people are Christians. As a child I was taught that Jesus was going to return to earth and take all the believers to heaven with him. This was supposed to happen at any moment, so there was no reason for preserving the natural resources because the world would not be around much longer. I no longer believe that, but many people do and that causes these people to discount the importance of preserving the environment. Unfortunately, if anyone dares to speak out against this policy, others would accuse them

Monday, October 7, 2019

Move for Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Move for Opportunity - Essay Example The author also talks about the issues that the move for opportunity tends to create and how the moves can create not only physical stress but also a strong element of emotional distress as well. The author has not only focused on the affects of the relocation on the person but has moved a step ahead to also consider the effects of the relocation on the families. The needs of the families and how the attractive relocation packages can seem to be very beneficial yet not be as useful as to be able to provide the families with the best and the life that they need to give up for the package. There has also been noted by experts that these opportunities have proven to be very beneficial for the country as well. At the John Holland Group, HR [Human Resources] manager Darren Nelson agrees. ‘It’s these opportunities that have built both this country and people’s careers.’ He points to Karratha, WA, as the well-publicised focal point for opportunities created by skills shortages and a resources boom. ‘I know people moving here from the east who will have a 110 per cent salary increase.’ The article presented by Fran Cusworth is a very effective article to help people think about the options of relocating their job for the purpose of newer opportunities. This section will deal with an analysis of the article. The article will be analyzed under six main heading. This is as in the sub section below: i) Overall Effectiveness: The author has discussed the article in a advisory fashion to bring up a strong light on the issues as well as benefits of relocation packages that are provided by the recruiters and the relocation specialists. The intended audiences are the individuals due to have relocation and also families of these people. The overall article is straight forward with a very strong tone that has been used. The author has brought about a number of details like the affects of a failed move and how much it could affect the individuals

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Technical Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Technical Writing - Essay Example In telecommunication system the decoder, usually a speaker, converts the electrical signals into the sound waves. purposes we can collapse the encoder and the decoder into the medium for we never care about the details of the encoder and the decoder in particular. The changes in encoder and the decoder can be considered to be the changes in the medium. Thus sender, message, medium and receiver are the important components of this basic communication model. (A Communication Model, 1) Application of the Basic Model to Group Communication: Since this a communication model it helps the groups members to communicate amongst themselves as well as with the others. This model also helps the group members access information from Internet. Communication amongst the group members by telephone, mobile phone: Suppose that some of the group members are located at different sites. Communication mode via mobile would be by the above model. In this case each of the group member who would make a call would act as a sender. The microphone in the mobile instrument would convert the sound waves into the waves. In this case air would act as the medium for carrying the waves as mobile is the wireless instrument. Ultimately the group member at the other end would receive these waves by his mobile. Here instrument woul

Friday, October 4, 2019

Pearl Harbor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Pearl Harbor - Research Paper Example From the research it can be comprehended that the attack on Pearl Harbor will forever spark imagination borne in mind; 4,000 Americans were wounded or killed. Much of how Pearl Harbor started bothers many since; there are various things that occurred before the attack. It is documented that, on September 1940, the United States imposed restriction on Japan towards prohibiting exporting of Scrap iron, steel, and fuel. On April 1941, the Japanese signed the neutrality treaty with Soviet Union to prevent the attack if they were to go to war with the United States or Britain. Toward the end of July 1941, the United States, Netherlands, and Britain froze Japanese resources. Eventually, Japan could not purchase oil, which in turn, crippled its army as well as, its air forces. Japan seized the opportunity to take Southeast Asia’s resources but, all was in vain. Typically, the U.S demanded that Japan withdraws from Indonesia and China, though this could be settled with a token not to take more territory. In essence, the Japanese military was requested to device the war pan and also get the oil embargo lifted precisely. In this context, the U.S knew that the attack was imminent bearing in mind; their relationship with the Japanese Military was broken. Prior to the attack, warnings had been sent from Washington, though it arrived late. Before the attack, Japanese planes were spotted, but it was implicated to be American’ Flights. ... Toward the end of July 1941, the United States, Netherlands, and Britain froze Japanese resources. Eventually, Japan could not purchase oil, which in turn, crippled its army as well as, its air forces. Japan seized the opportunity to take Southeast Asia’s resources but, all was in vain. Typically, the U.S demanded that Japan withdraws from Indonesia and China, though this could be settled with a token not to take more territory. In essence, the Japanese military was requested to device the war pan and also get the oil embargo lifted precisely. In this context, the U.S knew that the attack was imminent bearing in mind; their relationship with the Japanese Military was broken. Prior to the attack, warnings had been sent from Washington, though it arrived late. Before the attack, Japanese planes were spotted, but it was implicated to be American’ Flights. On December 7th 1941, it was a peaceful Sunday morning on the Hawaiian island. The first wave of the Japanese airplanes left six aircraft carriers with struck Pearl Harbor before 8 AM local time. After two waves of terror lasting, the disaster had occurred. Over 3, 500 Americans were badly damaged by 18 ships, and a lot of resources were destroyed. The attack lasted approximately 2 hours, from 7.55 A.M to 10.45 A.M. The first Wave struck Pearl Harbor at 7.55 .A.M, and the second one around 8.50 A.M. With no doubt; the attack on Pearl Harbor was military strike organized by the Japanese against the U.S. WHERE IT STARTED The attack on Pearl Harbor started at Hawaii, on a Sunday morning. Many American servicemen were either eating breakfast or still in pajama when the attack began. This stands out that,